Our Team John

Our professionals have built deep expertise in the financial services sector, and are distinguished by the depth of their industry knowledge, sound advice, and most importantly, the ethical manner in which they conduct themselves. From our M&A and capital markets advisory practice, to trade execution, market making, and research, our people rank at or near the top of their profession, and are widely considered to be thought leaders in their respective disciplines. Put simply, our professionals are undoubtedly the key to our success as a firm

Investment Banking Group

Steven Hovde

Chairman & CEO

Nickolas Barbarine

Senior Managing Principal

Kirk Hovde

Managing Principal, Head of Investment Banking

Michael Corso

Principal & Head of Depositories

Tim Stute

Managing Director, Head of Specialty Finance

Michael Barry

Senior Managing Director Head of Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Regions

Curtis Carpenter

Senior Managing Director

Craig Mancinotti

Senior Managing Director

Rick Maroney

Senior Managing Director

James Hill

Managing Director

Mike Moran

Managing Director

Jason Trembley

Managing Director

James Hemmer

Managing Director

Will Curtiss


Sean Enright

Managing Director

Chris Hemler


Austin Ellert

Vice President

Drew Schaefer


Capital Markets, Equity Sales & Trading

Michael Hedrei

Managing Principal, Head of Capital Markets

Rick Lowe

Director, Institutional Sales

Rich Gerdy

Vice President

Tim Horton


Ashley Griffith

Director, Institutional Sales

Christina Westmoreland

Managing Director & Head of Trading


Brett Rabatin

Director of Research

David Bishop


Brendan Nosal


Compliance and Administration

Kevin Grant

Managing Director and Chief Compliance Officer

Anthony Di John

Chief Financial Officer

Larissa Boyle

Director of Administration

Tracey Navea

Manager of Office Operations